Among 327,000 visually handicapped people residing in Russia only 21% of working-age citizens are employed. The Kemerovo Region is no exception to this. About 5,000 visually handicapped people live in the region, including 1,149 being of working age. A low employment level degrades the quality of life and reduces the opportunities for personal growth of disabled people and their family members.

The project aims to help blind and visually impaired people to adapt to society and become actively involved in life of the region, and enable them to work, get a steady income and accomplish their life goals. In addition, employment assistance will be offered to relatives of blind and visually impaired people.

The project is designed to improve quality of life of blind and visually impaired people and their relatives based on professional growth and integration into society by identifying the employment potential and individual educational and professional routing, and providing the necessary knowledge and skills for professional growth.

The intended social outcomes of the project include improving quality of life of social beneficiaries in terms of personal growth by assisting them in obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills.

Project website –

Project participants

Project implementation dates

October 17, 2023 – February 27, 2026

Project metrics

* In each of these statuses, they will receive income for the specified period of at least 0.5 minimum wage per month

Media about the project>


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