Most commonly, prisoners released from detention or other forms of punishment not involving deprivation of liberty face re-socialisation and employment problems degrading the quality of life and causing re-offending.

The Kamchatka Territory is no exception to this trend.

The region faces an acute problem in providing job opportunities for ex-convicts, motivating them to find employment (the employment level is less than 30%) and improving the low rate of permanent employment (about 5%).

The Second Chance SIB project aimed at providing employment to ex-convicts proposes a suitable solution.

The project envisages a set of measures to promote employment opportunities and provide permanent jobs to ex-convicts for their successful re-socialisation.

The intended social outcomes of the project include a lower rate of crimes committed by ex-convicts due to the introduction of innovative re-socialisation approaches, assisted employment and maintaining permanent jobs.

Project participants

Working-age employable citizens of the Russian Federation residing in the Kamchatka Territory, who serve prison sentences, are probationers, or have been released from detention, and who have expressed their willingness to participate in the project
Governing authority (public sector commissioner): Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development of the Kamchatka Territory
Investor (funder): VEB.DV
Operator: VEB.RF

Project implementation dates

01.08.2023 – 31.03.2026

Project metrics

Media about the project

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