The Kamchatka school system loses more students than Russia as a whole and the Far East regions in particular.

The industry-specific training in rural schools covers 2.5 times less pupils in Kamchatka than in the rest of the country and in the Far East regions.

The project is aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the general education for social and professional mobility, socialising students and helping them with self-actualisation, including through developing basic literacy.

The intended social outcomes of the project include decreasing the number of ninth, tenth and eleventh graders leaving the education system and not choosing the vocational education route (trajectory); increasing the number of ninth and eleventh graders that have projected the vocational education route (trajectory); increasing the level of achievement of basic literacy (digital, financial and legal).

The project envisages a set of measures designed to support professional identity, and non-subject-oriented, subject-oriented and professional training, as well as develop legal, digital and financial literacy. For this purpose, profile specialists develop educational programmes both for pupils and teachers. The project also intends to involve regional organisations and demonstrate to schoolchildren a variety of opportunities for developing a professional trajectory in Kamchatka.

If the project is successful, Kamchatka will receive highly motivated and competitive graduates who are more likely to stay in the region on completion of training, and who will successfully apply knowledge and skills in practice.

Project participants

Seventh and ninth graders of educational institutions of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky urban district, and Milkovo and Elizovo municipal districts
Governing authority (public sector commissioner): Ministry of Education of the Kamchatka Territory
Investor (funder): City Development Fund
Operator: VEB.RF

Project implementation dates

September 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026

Project metrics

Media about the project

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