The SIB project to organise assisted living for disabled people is aimed at improving quality of life for mentally impaired people residing in the Chelyabinsk Region. The project is to help most of them to become equal members of society, change occupations, find jobs and live in better conditions.

The project is designed to organise assisted living for disabled people, replacing long-term care services by permanent assisted living in personal residential facilities (homes) to be followed by independent living with regular and/or occasional assistance, increase the number of disabled people needing long-term care services and continuing to live in personal residential facilities with regular and/or occasional assistance, and help these people to learn new occupational skills.

The project should help the project beneficiaries to avoid returning to neuropsychiatric establishments. Some of them will live and receive training in their homes. Current residents of long-term care facilities will be provided with accommodation in assisted living communities with training in special workshops.

The intended social outcomes include providing small groups of disabled people with accommodation in assisted living residences and/or personal residential facilities without long-term care services.

The desired social outcomes are to be achieved through:

socialising people with mental health disabilities, teaching them to live independently, helping them to adapt to assisted living;

helping the project beneficiaries to acquire specific occupational skills (vocational rehabilitation), including in special workshops, for further employment.

Project participants

Social beneficiaries: people over the age of 18 having mental health disabilities and residing in the Chelyabinsk Region
Governing authority (public sector commissioner): Ministry of Social Services of the Chelyabinsk Region
Investor (funder): Russian Copper Company
Service Provider: Semya, a charity supporting disadvantaged families and children
Operator: VEB.RF

Project implementation dates

from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2023

Project metrics

Media about the project


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