The SIB project to replace long-term care services provided to disabled people in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is aimed at improving quality of life for residents of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The project is to help mentally impaired people to become equal members of society.

The project is designed to organise assisted living for disabled people, replacing long-term care services by permanent assisted living in personal residential facilities to be followed by independent living, and increase the number of disabled people needing long-term care services and receiving assisted living services.

The project is to involve 30 mentally impaired local residents receiving or waiting to receive long-term care services. The project will create an assisted living residence for 12 people currently living in neuropsychiatric establishments. Additionally, 18 people needing long-term care services will receive assisted living services in personal residential facilities. Apart from helping the project beneficiaries to adapt to a modern, alternative environment, the project will also introduce assisted living into social services in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The intended social outcomes include helping disabled people to adapt to living in assisted living residences and personal residential facilities, and enabling them to live independently and fulfil their potential without long-term care services.

The desired social outcomes are to be achieved through:

socialising people with mental health disabilities, teaching them to live independently, helping them to become equal members of society;

working with relatives/guardians (counselling, jointly developed adaptation programmes, training);

dealing with HR management issues (recruitment, training, career development, supervision, burnout prevention).

Project participants

Project beneficiaries: people over the age of 18, in disability categories 1 and 2 (lifelong disabilities, mental health disabilities), residing in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Governing authority (public sector commissioner): Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Investor (funder): VEB.DV
Service Provider: GAOORDI, a Saint Petersburg–based association of disabled children’s parents
Operator: VEB.RF

Project implementation dates

from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024

Project metrics

Media about the project

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