The SIB project to help low-income disadvantaged families with children is aimed at improving quality of life in remote parts of the Primorie Territory and contributing towards the national goal in respect of the preservation of Russia’s population, public health and well-being.

The project is designed to change the basis of social impact contracts, making them proactively address the needs of service recipients rather than react to requests from beneficiaries. It is intended that mail carriers of Russian Post, which is the investor (funder) and service provider, will be involved in identifying low-income families in remote municipalities in the Primorie Territory (the towns of Dalnegorsk, Arsenyev and the municipalities of Kavalerovo, Anuchino, Terney, Chuguyevka and Yakovlevka) and helping them to obtain social impact contracts to start their businesses, receive support for business development or have vocational training. Social impact contracts should incentivise economically disadvantaged adults to take action to overcome their problems.

Intended social outcomes:

  • provide more information to low-income families with children about the availability of the government’s social assistance under social impact contracts, including families potentially entitled to such assistance and identified under the project (at least 100 families having children and entitled to the government’s social assistance under social impact contracts were identified);
  • increase the number of low-income families having children and obtaining social impact contracts (at least 270 low-income families with children obtained social impact contracts).

The desired social outcomes are to be achieved through informing low-income families in the project’s municipalities about potential benefits of social impact contracts, conducting a survey of families with children in the project’s municipalities with respect to their socio-economic condition (which will identify additional families for registration with social protection authorities), and ensuring that social impact contracts will individually meet the needs of each family.

Project participants

Social beneficiaries: low-income families residing in the Primorie Territory

Social impact:

  • provide more information to low-income families about the availability of the government’s social assistance;
  • increase the number of low-income families among social beneficiaries obtaining social impact contracts;
  • increase the number of identified low-income and disadvantaged families.
Service Provider: Russian Post
Investor (funder): Russian Post
Governing Authority: Ministry of Health of the Primorie Territory

Project implementation dates

from February 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022

Project metrics

Media about the project



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