The SIB to improve schoolchildren’s academic performance in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is VEB.RF’s initiative supported by the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and aimed at making Russia’s human resources more competitive and creating the favourable conditions for self-actualisation and personal fulfilment for all children, whether in urban or rural areas.

The project is designed to improve schoolchildren’s academic performance in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) using data-based approaches and effective financial management for advanced digital technology, modern teaching techniques at schools, and an effective management mechanism for general education institutions.

It is intended that the project’s social effect will be a 10% improvement in Yakutia schoolchildren’s results in all learning areas (Russian language, mathematics, academic competitions).

The desired social effects are to be achieved through additional teaching (including distance learning), individual tuition, training for management teams and teachers, schools’ professional learning associations, and interactions among schools.

More than 250 students do ‘School of Growth’ courses in mathematics and the Russian language every year (designed for in-person and remote underachievers).

Advanced education programmes, including ‘School of Success’, are available to motivated high achievers. These students are increasingly frequently among the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad.

Established in the course of project implementation, the ‘Academy of Journalism’ works to help students to improve their Russian-language literacy and develop their media skills. Their enthusiasm for journalism encourages them to master their skills in Russian. Children begin to write and speak more correctly. Consequently, they get better exam results.

Advanced training programmes are specially developed for local teachers. More than 500 teachers have already received advanced training. A third of them are now members of schools’ professional learning associations and regularly collaborate in planning, conducting and analysing lessons.

In addition to students, teachers and school managers, the project involves parents and the local community. In order to improve parental engagement, ‘Parental University’ was established. Parental engagement events (webinars, in-person meetings) with the participation of subject teachers and educational psychologists teach how to be involved in planning children’s educational trajectories, and involve parents in preparing various school projects.

The project in education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is Russia’s first social impact bond.

Project participants

Social beneficiaries: schoolchildren in the Khangalassky Municipal District, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Governing authority (competent public authority): Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Investor (funder): VEB.DV
Service Provider: Higher School of Economics
Operator: VEB.RF

Project implementation dates

from June 10, 2019 to September 30, 2022

Project metrics

Media about the project


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