What is it?

A social impact bond (SIB) is a project aimes to achieve positive and measurable social effects for specific project participants. These include improving academic performance among schoolchildren in a specific territory, encouraging people to undergo medical screening or assisting in obtaining measures of social support.

How does it work?

Regulatory framework

Resolution of the Russian Government No. 1491 of 21 November 2019 “On the Organisation of SIB Pilot Testing in Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation in 2019–2024”
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Areas of implementation

Social services
Organising accompanied residence; support for socially challenged families
Support for medical treatment for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups; disease prevention
Projects to reduce academic underachievement, socialise young people and help them with
Promotion of employment for vulnerable groups; alternative employment arrangements
Promotion of regular physical exercise among various target groups; promotion of special sports for people with limited physical abilities

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