VEB.RF’s charitable and sponsorship activities are run in line with the Memorandum on Financial Policies of State Corporation ‘VEB.RF’.

Upon developing a sponsorship program, high priority is given to events and projects that are thematically in line with main lines of VEB.RF’s investment activity.

As one of the country’s largest banks, upon selecting projects VEB.RF attaches special attention to its established traditions. Most significant projects have been underway for a number of years and promote a positive image of Russia in the world as a country with a rich national culture. To this end, VEB.RF provides support for high-achievement sports — VEB.RF is a permanent sponsor of a number of national teams.

VEB.RF’s program of charitable activity provides for rendering assistance to healthcare institutions (procurement of medical equipment), the Russian Orthodox Church (renovation of culturally and historically significant churches) and non-governmental organizations involved in supporting disadvantaged social groups — GPW veterans, disabled persons, orphanages.

A Program of Charitable and Sponsorship Support is prepared in the fourth quarter of each year, mostly on the basis of applications by line ministries and agencies. Applications are accepted till October 20 of each year. Programs of Charitable and Sponsorship Support for a forthcoming year are to be approved by the Bank’s Management Board and submitted to consideration by Vnesheconombank’s Supervisory Board which is to make a final decision.

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